Easy, Friendly Service and Great Prices!
"Neighbors serving Neighbors"
Leave the worry to us. No minimum deliveries. With the aid of a computerized
Degree Day System, we are able to monitor temperature changes 24 hours a day. We
can anticipate your next delivery, and are able to offer you protection from
running out of oil, thereby making heating your home or business one less thing
to worry about. Take advantage of this option at the same low price as our cash
customers. Credit approval is required. We can even keep your credit card
information on file to eliminate bill paying. Peace of mind for the busy family.
We prefer automatic deliveries to make our operation more efficient and
to keep our fuel expenses under control for we all know that it has become
prohibitively costly to fuel vehicles. This also reduces our carbon footprint by using
less fuel and emitting less CO2. |
Designed and maintained by Neighbor's Oil ©2014